Metropolitan Abstract
Phone Numbers

Long Island
(516) 741-5474

New York City
(212) 354-5474

(718) 343-4334

Suffolk County
(631) 273-3333

Toll free
(800) 621-1104

(516) 877-1195

What can you expect when working with Metropolitan Abstract?

Metropolitan Abstract has a great deal of collective knowledge and many years of experience that give us a unique ability to find creative solutions for seemingly complex title problems. Whether you’re our applicant, or any party involved on a transaction that we’re working on; you’ll find a staff that will bend over backwards to accommodate any request.

Metropolitan Abstract has numerous combined years of title industry and real estate experience in both residential and commercial real estate. The company has assembled a strong support team with the knowledge and desire to develop innovative solutions to solve all client business challenges. As an agent for different National Title Underwriters; Metropolitan also has access to a vast variety of counsel with many years of title experience.

Solid Management Strategies

In our history of over four decades, Metropolitan Abstract has become one of the most respected agencies in the industry. Since our company’s inception, not only have we outlasted a thousand or so abstract companies, but at last count, thirty three National Title Underwriters as well. We’ve seen numerous recessions and the devastating effects they can have on the real estate industry. With that in mind, a simple philosophy has kept the company strong in all of these years; it’s not a question of ‘if’ a recession will come. The question is always; ‘when’ is it coming? In an industry where continuity pays multiple dividends in terms of reputation, our strategy has proven successful.

Commitment to Excellence

The company is dedicated to providing the highest quality efforts and experience to each and every one of our clients. We understand perfectly that there are a multitude of choices in our industry that our clients could choose from. With that in mind, we are honored with each individual order. We have also learned thru the years to never look at the price of a transaction. Whether a purchase is being made for $50,000, or $50,000,000, every report of title our office produces is done so with perfection as our goal and an eye towards detail.

Continual Learning

All employees are knowledgeable workers and make time to become actively involved in educational training about industry issues and other important aspects of real estate law and market trends. Seminars are attended by members of the staff throughout each year.